Ma sattusime täna hommikukohvi kõrvale sõbrannaga rahast rääkima. Raha on nagu teada alati selline "keelatud teema", millel on parem mitte peatuda. Kas on seda liiga palju või liiga vähe - mõlemal olukorral on oma miinused. Ta rääkis, et ta 16-aastast poega hakati kunagi kooliekskursioonil narrima kui ta oma toidupaki välja võttis ja teised nägid, et seal olid a la Selveri brändi tooted. "Miks sul alati odav toit kaasas on?" küsiti talt. Poiss ei osanud vastata, rääkis sellest kodus vanematele ja tundis piinlikkust. Ema ütles, et aga sa teinekord küsi nendelt, et kellel teist veel kontol 250 000 Norra krooni on, sest minul on, kuna mu ema on rahaga nii "kitsilt" ümber käinud ja selle arvelt mu säästukontole sellise summa kogunud. Järgmine kord kui poissi narrima hakati, just nii ta ütleski. Rohkem ei ole teda ja tema matpakket kunagi narritud.
Ma istusin seal, 35-aastasena, ja tundsin end luuserina. Ma töötan 24/7, olen suure tõenäosusega keeranud pekki nii oma lapse, oma pereelu kui oma närvid, seda kõike selleks, et uuesti jalgadele saada, kuid ei saa ikka omadega hakkama. Kas te olete end kunagi saamatuna tundnud? Noh nii saamatuna, et sellest on piinlik rääkida? Ja nii vastate te kogu aeg, et teil läheb suurepäraselt ja kõik on hästi ning et te saate hakkama? Nii et teistele jääb mulje, et elate 1) kadestamisväärset elu või 2) üle oma võimete? Aga te mõtlete, et parem mõelgu nad nii, sest täiskasvanuna on piinlik midagi muud ka tunnistada. Pealegi, kellele see virisemine või hala korda läheb. Siin pole isegi enam kahte varianti. On vaid üks. Hala paneb inimesi (kellele sa ei meeldi) parastama. Milleks neile seda rõõmu pakkuda ja nii te elategi pinna all peidus, kuid mõnikord tunnete end kogu selle eduka pinna all luuserina. Öelge, et te olete mõnikord nii tundnud? Kui ei, siis mina olen. Täna hommikul.
Aga et mitte lõpetada negatiivsel toonil, ütlen ma teile, et ma ootan täna hommikust varajast ärkamist, sest me lähme Rootsi (seiklused-seiklused?). Minu 84-aastane vanaema otsustas, et tema tahab oma tütrele külla minna. Nii nagu ta eelmisel aastal otsustas, et tuleb mulle Norra külla, et näha, kuidas me siin elame. Jp, selline tragi vanaema on mul. Ma loodan, et minus on kasvõi grammike tema otsusekindlust ja tragidust, huumorisoont ning positiivsust, sest tema suhtumise ja hoiakutega saab hakkama igas olukorras ja alati võitjana väljudes. Isegi kui olukord tundub s...t (on see tuleviku väetis).
While having our morning coffee me and my friend started talking about money. You know it is always is a topic better not to touch, but with her we have talked about everything from swingers to childbirth (which is strange, because I usually do not like to talk about certain topics like these for example). She told me that she always buys the private label products (like First Price in Norway), because it more or less has the same taste for half the cost. Once someone started make fun of her son when he had with him a First Price cheese pack. He felt ashamed and told the story to his parents. Her mother told her that next time someone has something to say about his food, he should ask if they have 250 000 Norwegian kroner on their account like he does. Because his mother has been so "cheap" and saved this money while buying private label products. So he did and it was the last time someone made fun of him.
I listed to her story and felt like a 35-years old looser. Have you ever felt like this? Having three jobs and trying to get back on your feet, but still not getting up? But it is too embarrising to talk about that, so you better give a impression of having a wonderful life and answering " I am doing so well" all the time? Besides, who cares about you complaining anyway. The haters just laugh, so it´s better to pretend and let them envy you, but sometimes undeneath the surface you feel like a looser. Have you ever had this feeling? Well, if you haven´t, I most certainly have. Today.
But I do not want to face the weekend with a negative vibe. My 84-years old grandmother decided that she wants to visit her daughter in Sweden, so early tomorrow we head towards Sweden. My grandmother is such a vital lady despite of her age and sicknesses. If I have at least a quater of her decisive mind, eagerness, positive thoughts and sense of humor I will be a winner in every situation.
Aga et mitte lõpetada negatiivsel toonil, ütlen ma teile, et ma ootan täna hommikust varajast ärkamist, sest me lähme Rootsi (seiklused-seiklused?). Minu 84-aastane vanaema otsustas, et tema tahab oma tütrele külla minna. Nii nagu ta eelmisel aastal otsustas, et tuleb mulle Norra külla, et näha, kuidas me siin elame. Jp, selline tragi vanaema on mul. Ma loodan, et minus on kasvõi grammike tema otsusekindlust ja tragidust, huumorisoont ning positiivsust, sest tema suhtumise ja hoiakutega saab hakkama igas olukorras ja alati võitjana väljudes. Isegi kui olukord tundub s...t (on see tuleviku väetis).
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Peale onupoja lõpuaktust pidi vanaema natuke Ussipesas ootama. Samal ajal kui mina veini jõin, niitis tema heina, sest ei viitsinud niisama istuda. |
While having our morning coffee me and my friend started talking about money. You know it is always is a topic better not to touch, but with her we have talked about everything from swingers to childbirth (which is strange, because I usually do not like to talk about certain topics like these for example). She told me that she always buys the private label products (like First Price in Norway), because it more or less has the same taste for half the cost. Once someone started make fun of her son when he had with him a First Price cheese pack. He felt ashamed and told the story to his parents. Her mother told her that next time someone has something to say about his food, he should ask if they have 250 000 Norwegian kroner on their account like he does. Because his mother has been so "cheap" and saved this money while buying private label products. So he did and it was the last time someone made fun of him.
I listed to her story and felt like a 35-years old looser. Have you ever felt like this? Having three jobs and trying to get back on your feet, but still not getting up? But it is too embarrising to talk about that, so you better give a impression of having a wonderful life and answering " I am doing so well" all the time? Besides, who cares about you complaining anyway. The haters just laugh, so it´s better to pretend and let them envy you, but sometimes undeneath the surface you feel like a looser. Have you ever had this feeling? Well, if you haven´t, I most certainly have. Today.
But I do not want to face the weekend with a negative vibe. My 84-years old grandmother decided that she wants to visit her daughter in Sweden, so early tomorrow we head towards Sweden. My grandmother is such a vital lady despite of her age and sicknesses. If I have at least a quater of her decisive mind, eagerness, positive thoughts and sense of humor I will be a winner in every situation.