Viimased nädal aega ei ole Norra uudistes praktiliselt muust juttu olnud kui aastavahetusel surnud 13-aastasest tüdrukust. Mu meelest on see lugu nii segaseks aetud, et ma ei olegi täpselt aru saanud kõigest, aga lühidalt öeldes on siis juttu tüdrukust, kellel koolikiusamise tõttu tekkisid söömishäired, mille tagajärjel ta nädal tagasi suri ning tema emast, kes võeti kinni kahtlustatuna "jämeda hooletusse jätmise" tõttu.
Ma olen siin nalja teinud Norra lastekaitse ja bürokraatia teemadel, aga nüüd tahaks ma küll kohe kõva häälega öelda, et "Norra, võta end ometi kokku!". Esiteks on meedias emast loodud monstrum, koletis, kes oma lapsest ei hoolinud. Ei ole mina õige inimene siin sõna võtma, kuid nii palju kui ma anoreksiast tean, siis see ei ole niisama naljaasi haigus, et ema ütleb lapsele, et hakka sööma ja laps sööb. Me ei tea, kas ja kui palju ema on oma lapse haigusega tegelenud, aga loetavuse tõstmise mõttes pole see ajakirjanduses ju üldsegi oluline. Inimestele meeldivad kohutavad lood "siit samast kodukülast", oma naabrinaisest. See müüb.
Ei ole mina õige inimene ütlema, kes ja palju keda kiusas. Ma ei tea selle loo tausta. Ma tahan vaid öelda, et koolikiusamine võib olla väga kurbade tagajärgedega. Palun olge tähelepanelikud - vaadake, millega tegeleb teie laps, vaadake, ega ta pole kiusatav või kiusaja. Ja vaadake peeglisse. Kust tulevad koolikiusajad? Kas me ütleme ilma asjata, et lapsed on kodu peegel? Paneme vahelduseks nuttelefonid ja ipadid käest ja vaatame, mis toimub reaalsuses meie ümber.
Selle pika sissejuhatusega tahan ma öelda, et Norral oleks viimane aeg hakata üle vaatama, kas ameteid ja ametnikke ehk ei ole liiga palju. Kui ma õigesti aru sain, siis lastekaitse, kool ning erinevad vallad olid omavahel saatnud mitmeid märgukirju, et selles loos on midagi kahtlast. 13-aastane, kes ei käi koolis, keda narritakse, kelle ema kolib kogu aeg ühest kohast teise ja söömishäired. Vabandan kui siin natukene katkist telefoni mängin, kuid oluline polegi selles kontekstis kirjade sisu, vaid see, et nendele kirjadele ei reageeritud ning viimane kiri ühest ametist teise jõudis alles neli päeva peale tütarlapse surma.
Ma olen siin poolnaljaga rääkinud, et Norras peab asjaajamisel kogu aeg näppu peal hoidma, sest muidu juhtub nii, et avaldus/kiri/taotlus satub kuhugi kirjadehunnikusse, kus ta võib kuid olla, ilma et keegi seda märkaks, samamoodi ei tasu kunagi uskuda esimest inimest, kes teile nõu annab, ega ka teist, ega ka kolmandat, tuleb kümme korda üle küsida. Lihtne näide. Mul oli hiljuti vaja minna ühte ametisse asju ajama. Juba kogenud Norra elanikuna teadsin ma, et tasub enne natuke maad uurida. Guugeldades leidsin ma, et kõige pealt tuleb aeg broneerida, kui ma seda tegema hakkasin, takerdusin ma kuhugi, sest mul polnud "toimingu numbrit" vms, ma helistasin klienditeenindusse ja saatsin ka kirjaliku päringu, et saada teada, kuidas edasi. Selgus, et pean lihtsalt kohale minema, sest ilma tolle numbrita ei saagi aega broneerida. Kui ma kohale jõudsin, taheti mind teistpidi ära saata, sest kõige pealt tuleb aeg broneerida. Kui ma poleks enne maad uurinud, siis oleks ma lontalonta tagasi koju läinud ning otsast peale alustanud (ja saanud teada, et esimene kord pean ikkagi kohale minema).
Mulle tundub, et Norras on liiga palju ametnikke ja liiga palju asutusi, liiga palju puhkusi, pause ning sõna kõige otsesemas mõttes liiga vähe tööle keskendumist. Iga liigutuse jaoks on eraldi konsultant, kes teab vaid (pinnapealselt) oma valdkonda, aga mitte grammigi rohkem. Ta teeb ära vaid talle ettenähtud töö, aga mitte grammigi rohkem. Tal pole aimugi, millega tegeleb ta lauanaaber. Ja tihti juhtub mu meelest nii, et selle asemel, et näiteks üks taotlus oma lauanaabrile anda, käib see taotlus enne läbi 83 erinevat asutust ja ametnikku, sest keegi ei tea, kelle vastutusvaldkond see on. Mulle tundub, et Norra ametnikud ei räägi omavahel. Kõik venib ja võtab aega. Ettevõtluse puhul pole see nii hull (ettevõtja kaotab ootamisega vaid raha!), aga nagu näha võivad tagajärjed olla palju kurvemad.
Kui Norras on seadusega ette nähtud mõne kirja/taotluse/avalduse läbi vaatamiseks kolm kuud, siis võite mürki võtta, et vastus tuleb (heal juhul) kolme kuu pärast. Mis sellest, et kaks kuud on see lihtsalt kusagil laual ja selle jõuaks läbi vaadata. Seda lihtsalt ei tehta. Aega on. Kui tööpäev lõppeb kell neli, siis võite mürki võtta, et kell kolm on norrakas end arvutist juba välja loginud ning hakkab end kodu poole sättima. Kus ta peab pärast pingelist ja väsitavat tööpäeva perele süüa valmistama. Ja kuna ta on sellest kõigest nii stressis, siis läheb lauale külmutatud pitsa ja pakisupp. Ma ei ütle, et eestlase mentaliteet, et võidab see, kes ületöötamise järel infarkti saab, on õige. Eestlased on teine äärmus (meie võistleme selles, kes suudab teha pikemaid tööpäevi ja vähem elada), aga...See Norra stiil ajab mind ka hulluks.
Võta end kokku, Norra! Mõtle, kas sul on iga liigutuse jaoks vaja sadat ametnikku või piisaks kolmest. Ei ole vaja eraldi inimest selle jaoks, et kiri kirjutada, eraldi iniimest, kes selle välja prindiks, eraldi inimest, kes sellele margi peale paneks, eraldi inimest, kes aadressi kirjutaks, eraldi inimest, kes selle posti paneks. Võib-olla see tuleb šokina, aga selle kõigega saab ka üks inimene hakkama! Proovi! Ja võib-olla siis jäävad sellised õnnetud kahesilmavahelejätmised ära. Siis ei pea hiljem nädal, kuu, aasta soiguma, kus ja mis valesti läks ja mida oleks vaja paremini teha. Ma ei liialda, kui ma ütlen, et Norras on imelihtne saada kõlava ametinimetusega töökoht, mille sisust ega ülesannetest ei saa keegi aru. Poega alustades oli mul palju küsimusi, millega ma pöördusin vastava valdkonna juhtide poole. Vastusteks sain ma 1) mina küll ei tea 2) kas sa guugeldanud oled või 3) ma palun konsultandil sinuga ühendust võtta. Konsultant, kes pidi aitama mind nähtavaks teha, soovitas mul teha Facebookis kampaania või poe ette lillepotte ja silte panna. Ja selle eest saavad nad palka. Palun mulle ka üks selline konsultandi töökoht Norra keskmise palgaga.
Ausalt Norra, võta end kokku! Tee tööd, mitte ära keskendu kohvipausidele ja müüvatele ajaleheartiklite pealkirjadele!
Last week all the Norwegian media has been discussing the death of a 13-years old girl and her mother who was charged because of sever neglect. It has been the only news. Shortly the girl got anorexia because of bullying at school, which lead to her tragic death.
I have joked quite a lot about Norwegian burecraucy and child protection services, but now I would just like to say "Norway, pull yourself together!" I will not talk about anorexia, I have to little knowledge about that, I will not discuss bullying, I know too little, and I will not talk about the fat headlines in every newspaper which called the mother a monster, who didn´t do enough to save her daughter. I know little about anorexia, but as much as I know it´s not that easy that you just say "hey, start eating" and that´s it. Does the media know enough or is it just easy to blame a single mother, because this sells.
As I have understood correctly, sorry if I am being a bit of a broken phone here, the school, child protection services and counties had exchanged concerned letter about this matter, but the last letter reached one office from another four days after the girl´s death. It didn´t seem like a hasty matter they defend themselves. Well, Norway, don´t you think there are too many public servants and offices, if it takes two months to get a letter in Norway?
Last week all the Norwegian media has been discussing the death of a 13-years old girl and her mother who was charged because of sever neglect. It has been the only news. Shortly the girl got anorexia because of bullying at school, which lead to her tragic death.
I have joked quite a lot about Norwegian burecraucy and child protection services, but now I would just like to say "Norway, pull yourself together!" I will not talk about anorexia, I have to little knowledge about that, I will not discuss bullying, I know too little, and I will not talk about the fat headlines in every newspaper which called the mother a monster, who didn´t do enough to save her daughter. I know little about anorexia, but as much as I know it´s not that easy that you just say "hey, start eating" and that´s it. Does the media know enough or is it just easy to blame a single mother, because this sells.
As I have understood correctly, sorry if I am being a bit of a broken phone here, the school, child protection services and counties had exchanged concerned letter about this matter, but the last letter reached one office from another four days after the girl´s death. It didn´t seem like a hasty matter they defend themselves. Well, Norway, don´t you think there are too many public servants and offices, if it takes two months to get a letter in Norway?
I have joked that if you want things get done in Norway you always have to call and ask and check what´s the status, otherwise your letter/question/application just gets lost in pile of letters and it can take ages before someone notices it again. I have also learned never to trust the first person you talk to (even if you are calling the information number, double check, tripple check!). Easy examole. I had to go to an office with an application. I googled and found out that I have to book time before meeting up the first time, but when I started doing this I couldn´t complete my booking because I was missing a number or something, I called to a info number and got the answer that first time I cannot book time on line, but have to meet up personally; I even got this answer written by e.mail to be sure. When I went to the office, they immidiately wanted to send me back, because I had forgotten to book time. If I hadn´t googled before, I would have gone home, started all over again and wasted a lot of time.
I start to think that there are too many offices and public servants, too many holidays and breaks and too little concentrating on work. For every single move there is a person, a consultant, who knows exactly as much as he/she needs to know about his/her area and nothing about the work others are doing. They have no idea what the neighbour behind next desk is doing and that is why applications/letters/questions travel through 83 other offices before landing on the table of the neighbour. The public servants don´t talk to each other. Everything takes time. When doing bussiness in Norway this waiting only costs money to the entrepreneur, but as we now know it can have much serious consequences.
If someone says "it can take up to 3 months" to get the answer, you can bet you will have the answer in 3 months, and the answer can be that you missed one signature on your application, please send the application again. And you do. And you wait. Another 3 months. I am not kidding. It doesn´t matter that they have time to look and answer earlier, they just don´t do that in Norway. You have to wait. You can bet that if working hours are until 16:00, the Norwegians have already logged off their computers at 3 and don´t think about work anymore for that they. They are too stressed, because the work day has been too long. They need to go home and start preparing a meal to the family. Usually a frozen pizza or something else from the frozen disk, because they are too stressed to prepare proper meal.
I am not saying that the mentality in Estonia is much better. Estonia is on the other side of the extreme working habits. In Estonia the national sports after Veerpalu and Smigun retired from skiing is 1) chewing on other Estonians and 2) getting heartattacks caused by too much working. In Estonia we think that the winner is who has the longest work days and shortest vacations, but the Norwegian "sweet doing of nothing" is equally bad.
If someone says "it can take up to 3 months" to get the answer, you can bet you will have the answer in 3 months, and the answer can be that you missed one signature on your application, please send the application again. And you do. And you wait. Another 3 months. I am not kidding. It doesn´t matter that they have time to look and answer earlier, they just don´t do that in Norway. You have to wait. You can bet that if working hours are until 16:00, the Norwegians have already logged off their computers at 3 and don´t think about work anymore for that they. They are too stressed, because the work day has been too long. They need to go home and start preparing a meal to the family. Usually a frozen pizza or something else from the frozen disk, because they are too stressed to prepare proper meal.
I am not saying that the mentality in Estonia is much better. Estonia is on the other side of the extreme working habits. In Estonia the national sports after Veerpalu and Smigun retired from skiing is 1) chewing on other Estonians and 2) getting heartattacks caused by too much working. In Estonia we think that the winner is who has the longest work days and shortest vacations, but the Norwegian "sweet doing of nothing" is equally bad.
And here I say "pull yourself together, Norway". You do not need a person for writting the letter, a person for putting it in the envelope, a person to stamp it, a person to write the address on the envelope, a person to... Perhaps it comes as a chock to you but one person can do this. You save time and money. Try this concentrated work thing with less offices and less workers. Perhaps you then see that these sad tragedies can be avoided because someone forgot to open a letter and forward it to another one for reading. Prehaps this way you should not discuss for a week, a month a year what went wrong and who´s fault it was, perhaps this way you would have time to work with the problems not consequences.
Do you know how easy it is to get a fancy work title with zero contents in Norway? To be a consultant in Norway? Do you know why? Because then you can always answer to a question " I don´t know but I will forward the question to a consultant"! When I started with the shop here, I had some questions to people that should have the answers. The answers I got where 1) I don´t know, this is not my area 2) have you googled and 3) I will forward the question to a consultant. A consultant who was supposed to help me to reach local customers, suggested me to run a Facebook campaign or buy flower pots to have in front of the shop. You do not need to pay salary to a consultant for this kind of work. I could give this kind of advice for free (or for half the money if you still insist to pay!)
Seriously Norway! I do like you, I like the nature, I like the food, I like the art and litterature, I like living here and perhaps you think it is not polite of me to be so harsh, but I would like to help you to open your eyes. You are concentrating on wrong things.
Do you know how long it took me to open an account, get a debit card and access to a internet bank? Three weeks! Do you know how many times I had to check with the bank how far things are? Four! If I had not done this, I would probably still be waiting.
Do you know how easy it is to get a fancy work title with zero contents in Norway? To be a consultant in Norway? Do you know why? Because then you can always answer to a question " I don´t know but I will forward the question to a consultant"! When I started with the shop here, I had some questions to people that should have the answers. The answers I got where 1) I don´t know, this is not my area 2) have you googled and 3) I will forward the question to a consultant. A consultant who was supposed to help me to reach local customers, suggested me to run a Facebook campaign or buy flower pots to have in front of the shop. You do not need to pay salary to a consultant for this kind of work. I could give this kind of advice for free (or for half the money if you still insist to pay!)
Seriously Norway! I do like you, I like the nature, I like the food, I like the art and litterature, I like living here and perhaps you think it is not polite of me to be so harsh, but I would like to help you to open your eyes. You are concentrating on wrong things.
Do you know how long it took me to open an account, get a debit card and access to a internet bank? Three weeks! Do you know how many times I had to check with the bank how far things are? Four! If I had not done this, I would probably still be waiting.
Oleks Norra riik, saadaks su välja, küll ei oska norrakad riides käija, küll ei oska seda ega teist, nüüd ka ametnikud juba ei oska midagi, ving, ving, ving.. võta end kokku ise juba.
ReplyDeleteVot vingunud ei ole ma kohe sugugi mitte, aga eks huumorisoon on inimestel erinev. Mõnel pole seda näiteks üldse. Ja mõni tahab siit blogist vaid vingumist välja lugeda. Isegi kui seda pole. Ja mõni ei mõista, et on lihtsalt asju, mis on "sisserändaja" jaoks veidrad.
DeletePs: elementaarsed eesti keele reeglid võiks enne kritiseerimist selged olla. Palgi ja pinnu vanasõna tead?
Just tahtsin öelda... norrakad on kôvad käijad vist...:D aga tegelt kôigepealt kirjutatakse ka kokku.
DeleteOh minu tekstides leiab kokku-lahku vigu hunnikutes, nii näpukaid kui rumalusest:) aga aru ma ei saa, miks me (ja ma ei pea silmas vaid seda kommenteerijat) ei suuda neid käima, käija, müüa, müüja, majja, ojja sõnu meelde jätta/ära õppida.
DeleteAga minule on hakanud su postitused ja sa ise väga meeldima viimastel kuudel, kuigi su blogi leidsin seoses restoskandaaliga. Pilt praeguse postituse juures on ka väga äge.
DeleteSeda on tore kuulda, et hoolimata skandaalist (või "skandaalist"?) on minus ka midagi meeldimisväärset;) Aitäh Sulle!
Delete(pilt kusjuures on miski saja aasta vanune)
Oh, kuidas ma sinuga noustun! Asjaajamine Norras on ikka taielik nahtus omaette ning see on yks riik, kus ma olen oppinud ara stamp kysimuse "kas ma saaksin raakida teie ylemusega"- ilma selle kysimuseta jooksutatakse siin veel enam.
ReplyDeleteAga see 13aastase surm- kohutav, aga samas isegi kui ema oleks abi otsinud (vist isegi otsis, sest kuskilt kolas labi, et tydruk oli ravil olnud)- see on yks koht , kus Norral on palju areneda- psyhhiaatrilise abi voimaldamise kiirus. Sygava depressiooniga oodatakse siin naiteks aega 14 kuud!
Ega sellest siinsest asjaajamisest ja selle kiirusest/aeglusest vist enne täpselt aru ei saa kui ise pole kokku puutunud. Ja siis tundubki, et halatakse. See sinu toodud sügava depressiooni näide on aga juba advanced level. Kurb:(