Minu katsetused

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Mõnikord on nii vähe vaja /All you need

Talv on poe jaoks olnud erakordselt häirivalt vaikne ja kestnud liiga kaua, samuti ei ole vilja kandnud mõned mu koostööprojektid, mis peaks sissetulekut suurendama, on ilmselge, et need on olnud lisastressifaktorid. Eile aga oli üks neist päevadest, mis pani mind asju (korraks?) helgelt nägema. Mul oli nii palju tööd teha, sest pood oli rahvast täis, samal ajal tulid päringud koostööprojektidele, telefon helises kogu aeg, lisaks oli tähtaeg ühel postitusel - ühesõnaga päev täis rööprähklemist ja see andis mulle nii palju energiat.
Mulle meeldib kui on palju teha, kui on kiire ja olukord natukene stressitekitav. Tundub, et ma funktsioneerin kõige paremini kui mul on VÄGA palju teha.
Õhtuks olin ma küll surmväsinud, kuid ometigi oli mul kuidagi nii palju lisaenergiat, et käisime Idaga lupiine korjamas, rohisime tuttava aeda ja nibin-nabin oleks ka mööblit värvima hakanud. Aga selleks oleks vaja olnud vana värv maha koorida ja seda ma enam ei viitsinud:D

//Winter has been disturbingly quiet for (all) the shop(s) and I have not had results from cooperation-projects which should give me some extra income. Obviously this has been a major stressfactor for me. 
Yesterday was one of these days when I felt hopeful, there was so much to do - the shop was full of people, the phone was ringing all the time, the inquieries for projects suddenly started to come in. I felt useful and "back in bussiness". I have always believed in myself and my knowledge of sale and marketing, but lately I have felt not that confident. Yesterday when the situatsion was a bit stressful and I really had a lot to do was so motivating. It seems I function best on hectic days, with a bit stress and deadlines knocking on the door. Now I just pray that all the work finally will give some results! Please, please, please!
After work I was tired as hell, but happy. I had so much energy that I almost wanted to paint the outdoor furniture. But I didn't have energy to clean the furniture first, so the painting has to wait until Marek will have time to clean the things;)

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