Minu katsetused

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Hommikune kick start / Morning kick start

Hommikune happy face
Mis mulle Norra puhul kõige rohkem meeldib, on see kui sul vaja midagi tellida või (kiirelt) mõnd teenust saada? Viimased paar nädalat olen ma nt Oslosse korterit (ei, mitte endale) otsinud. Kirjutanud, et vaja oleks alates 05.06 ja on KIIRE. Mis te arvate, kuna ma hakkasin vastuseid saama? Üleeile. Need, kelle ma telefoni teel kätte sain, ajasid lihtsalt mingit jura. Pangakaardi ja kontoavamisest olen ma juba rääkinud, mul oli vaja ka üks konto juunikuuks avada, aga kuna protsess oli nii pikk, siis ma lihtsalt loobusin. Ma lihtsalt ei jaksanud mööda erinevaid ameteid enam joosta. Võib-olla siis kui jahedamaks läheb.

Panete tähele, ma ütlen, et liigutan end kui jahedamaks läheb. Ja ometi on minu järgmine etteheide, et niikui suvesoojus Norra saabub, liigutavad kõik end nagu porikärbsed ning on puhkuselainel, mis sellest, et ametlik üleriigiline puhkus on alles 27-29 nädalal ees ootamas.

Ja lõpuks jõuame tänase hommikuni. Vaja minul survepesurile üht juppi. Sõidame kenasti SELLE SAMA TOOTJA esindusse, kes ütleb, et temal pole, et tuleks tellida. No pole viga, tellime siis. Aa ei, tema kaudu ei saa, et mingu ma (teises linna otsas asuvasse) edasimüüja töökotta. Sõidame sinna. Mis tea arvate, kas sealt saadeti meid uuesti esindusse? Kui ma uurisin, kas seda juppi saaks parandada, vaadati mulle sellise näoga otsa, et "kulla välismaalane, kas sa ei tea, et kui Norras midagi katki läheb, siis seda ei parandata, VAID OSTETAKSE UUS".  Saime siiski teada, kus neid survepesureid veel müüakse ja suundusime sinna. Ma olin 100% veendunud, et meid saadetakse uuesti esindusse, kuid minu suureks üllatuseks, võeti mu number ja vooliku "strateegilised mõõdud" ning lubati uurida. Lootus on, et saame selle jupi ikka ENNE puhkust kätte. Me tahaks terrassilaudu õlitada, aga selleks oleks need enne vaja samblast puhtaks pesta survepesuriga.

Kui te veel ei tea, siis asi, mida ma maailmas kõige vähem armastan, on igasugu ehituspoed ja poed nagu Jula ning Biltema. Täna hommikul pidin ma KÕIK need läbi kammima. Tõeline kick start hommikule. I am not happy.
Ja taiboh kui seda voolikut nüüd ei saa!

The thing I like best about Norway is time you spend when you wish to order something. Or need something quickly. At the moment I am trying to find accomodation for someone in Oslo and sent out thousands of e-mails saying that I need it from 05.06. When do you think I started to get answers? Day before yesterday! Yes, they take good time to answer here. 
I also needed to open a bank account but honestly I just couldn't deal with it now. Last time I had to go from place to another and it  took me a month to get the debit card, I feel I have no energy for the same crusade at the moment. Perhaps when it gets a bit cooler. 

It's funny how I mention the warm weather, because the next thing I want to complain about is how lazy Norwegians become when the sun is shining. As soon as the weather is warm enough, the vacation mode is on and everything else can wait. Although the national "fellesferie" (vacation) in week 27-29  is a month away. 

And now to my point. We needed a sparepart for pressure washer and went to the representer/workshop of the producer. "No, we don't have it," he answered and said we can order it. Okay, let's do it then. "No,you cannot do this here, go to a workshop to a cooperation partner," he said. Fine, we drove to the other side of town to be sent BACK to the first workshop. They looked at me with a look on their face which said "dear foreigner, don't you know here in Norway we DO NOT buy spareparts, we buy a WHOLE NEW PRESSURE WASHER!"
I don't even know why it surprises me, but it did? Luckily we got to know who else sells these washers and headed there. I was 100% sure that we will be sent back to the first workshop, but to my big surprise they wrote down the model and my phone number. There is a slight chance we will get the part. And a slighter chance that we'll have it before vacation. I want to oil the terrace floor, but before it needs to be washed. Preferably I would do this before December...

The shops I dislike most are shops like Biltema, Jula, Maxbo, they are sooooooo boring and full of booooring stuff like hoses and washers and this morning I had to visit every one of them. Did not make me happy! 
And guess if I will be angry if we will not get the damn hose we need!

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