Minu katsetused

Friday, June 17, 2016

No more free joy! Why?

Ma kirjutan selle postituse pikemalt inglise keeles, sest olen ühes Lillehammeri facebooki-grupis, kus administraatorid pakuvad suvel raskustes peredele tasuta võimalusi lõbustuspargi külastamiseks jm lõbustusteks, mis Norras teadupärast üsna kulukas on. Kadedusest jäi see tegevus aga kellelegi hambusse ja kohalikus lehes ilmus artikkel, kuidas see on ebaaus ja pressitakse välja isikliku infot ja ma ei tea mida veel. Ma siis tunnistan ausalt. et eelmisel aastal kui pakuti Hunderfosseni pileteid, siis kirjutasin oma olukorrast ka mina ja OLEN ÄÄRETULT TÄNULIK, et saime Idaga selle võimaluse (loe SIIT) ja üldse ei häbene seda ka tunnistada, et tänu kellegi aktsioonile sain pakkuda oma lapsele midagi sellist, mida ma muidu poleks saanud.
Ma ei tea, kas tõesti peab nii kade olema, et isegi heategevuse peale kaevata!

I am a member in a Facebook group  called "Kjöp/Salg/Gis bort Lillehammer & Omegn", where people sell and buy things, but the administators of the group have started a so called charity campaign, where they give families in this area the possibility to get a free trip to Kiel, amusement park, pool, etc. To do so they have asked people PRIVATLY send their information about why they deserve this oppertunity, which makes sense, because how else could they decide who deserves it. A nice campaign right? If you think everyone was happy with this, think twice. Someone from this group tipped the local newspaper how people are asked to share sensitive information and how this is not right and so many other ugly things where said.

I honestly want to ask what´s wrong with you people? Does it bother you so much that someone can get something for free? Someone chose another family instead of yours? Are you so offended that you try to take away happiness from others? 

Let me tell you something! I became a member of this group last year and when I saw that someone is giving away tickets to Hunderfossen I also wrote a private message to this person explaining why I think me and my daughter should deserve to go there. Nobody asked me to share more information than I decided and nobody besides me and that person knew about this, nobody shared my "sensitive" information further to third parties.  
I am not ashamed to tell you now that last year my family was in a real financial crises - we had lost our restaurant, our savings and incomes, I was alone in Norway with my daughter, my husband tried to earn money in Estonia so that we could keep our house, it was a challenging situation, but we needed to be the best parents to our daughter. And what to parents want? They want to give their children a happy childhood, memories, a summer vacation to remember.

When I was an exchange student in Norway 20 years ago I got to visit Hunderfossen MANY times and it sat in my memories, I wanted to share this with my daughter, to give her a summer she deserves, but I had no extra means for that.  How happy do you think it made me when we got to go to Hunderfossen? I AM THANKFUL to people who started this campaign in the group and to people who gave away free things to families like my own. Yes, everything didn't go as well as planned when we visited the amusement park (you can read about it here), but it had nothing to do with the park or the campaign and to put some minor things besides WE HAD A WONDERFUL TIME! Hunderfossen remains one of my favorite places and I hope this summer* I can take my husband and daughter there for a nice family vacation. 

So what I want to say? Don't take away nice campaigns like this just because you are jelous! As you can understand from this post, the visit ment so much for me last year. Nobody knew how difficult we had it last year and I appreciate(d) this little free gift more than I can express in words. I hope this year another family gets to experience the same thing. 

* I am selling second hand things with prices from 10 nok during Lillehammer-dagene to give my family a day at Hunderfossen. Come to my shop at Storgata 91, 2floor (entrence from "Yes, vi leker!")


  1. Thank u for the support. It means alot to me personaly that people show that they think what we do is good. Again. Thank u for your time that u put in this. :) Ole K. Admin Lillehammer/Kjøp/Salg :)

    1. I think this is a wonderful idea with a great cause and more people should be involved in projects like these, instead of complaining about pseudoproblems:)
