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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Pildipostitus. Allergikutele keelatud. //Today in photos

Keegi kunagi kommenteeris siin, et no jumala eest, mida sa topid oma lapse pilte siia, et need on ju armsad vaid sulle endale. Eks see võib tõele vastata ja seepärast soovitan ma lapsepiltide allergikutel kohe selle postituse kinni panna.

"Kuidas Ida peaks sulle head emadepäeva soovima?" küsis Marek hommikul. Ma mõtlesin, et seni kuni ta ei oska ise lilli osta ja kohvi voodisse tuua, ega saa aru, mis see emadepäev üldse on, pole suurt midagi oodata. Ida otsustas hommikul poole üheksani magada ja vedas mind siis õue. Kus paistis päike ja on Norra kohta ebatavaliselt soe. SEE ongi tema emadepäevakink mulle!

Someone once told me here that I should not post so many photos of my child to my blog, that she's only cute to me. Well, that can be true because for me she is the most beautiful child in the world and I cannot get enough of her photos, soif you're allergic to toddler's photos, please do not continue.

How should Ida greet you on Mothersday, my husband asked me today. As long as she doesn't even know what they the Mothersday is and will not serve me breakfast in bed, I don't wait much from her.
She decided to sleep until half past eight today and afterwards made me go for a walk. It's sunny and warm. Unlike Norway. That was her present to me today!


  1. You are both adorable !!

    1. I don't know about me, but I agree about Ida:)

  2. No ma ei tea kas olen imelik või midagi aga mulle küll su lapse pildid meeldivad ja minu jaoks täiesti võõras laps- ta on lihtsalt nii armas ja stiilne preili :)
