Minu katsetused

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Kui Norras kontserdile minna... / When you go to a concert in Norway...

Nooohhh, see siis on jälle üks neid kohti, kus ma saaksin öelda, et minuga juhtub. Teadsin mina, et täna esineb Alexander Rybak Maihaugenis ja vedasin endaga kaasa kolm heauskset inimest, kes kaks tundi koos minuga VIHMAS mööda Maihaugenit jalutasid. Selleks, et löpuks ka "I'm in looooove with a fairy taleeeee" kuulda, ja seda siiski ei kuulnud, sest vihma hakkas LIIGA KÔVASTI sadama. (Note to self: Norras olles valmistu ALATI vihmaks!)

Aga vähemalt NÂGIME me Alexandri ära;)

Ja "diip kunstiinimene" kasutas voimalust teistele üht oma lemmikkunstnikku tutvustada. Jakob Weidemanni ruum on üks mu lemmikuid - seda te juba tedasite, eks - aga kas te teadsite, et ta maalis valgust? Kas teie näete seda? Jaagup igatahes ei näinud.

Kui tänane üritus oli üsna ebaönnestunud, fairy tale jäi kuulmata ja ilm oli kole, siis köigile, kes Lillehammerisse satuvad, ütlen ma küll, et Maihaugen on hoolimata ilmast kohustuslik. See ON imeilus koht. Aga igaksjuhuks vötke vihmavari/keep kaasa. Alati. Norras olles.

PS: Mul on kummikuid vaja. Ikka Hunters omi.

Well...this here is another chapter in a book called "Things happen to me". I had understood that there is a Alexander Rybak concert in Maihaugen today and so I dragged three believing persons with me today, three persons who walked in Maihaugen with me for 2 hours to hear "I'm in loooooooove with a faiiry taaaalleeeee" in the end. BUT didn't hear it anyway because the heavy rain made as go before the "grande finale". 
Note to self: in Norway ALWAYS be prepared for rain. ALWAYS! But they cannot say they didn't see Alexander. I have a photo of him. And we heard A song as well. 

(I wonder if they ever again will come with me, when I ask them to a concert.)

If you have read this blog for some time, you know one of my favorite painters is Jakob Weidemann. There is a "Jacob Weidemann room" in Maihaugen, which I just looooove. Did you know that he is a painter who painted the light? If you scroll down and look at the paintings, can you see that.  Jaagup didn't.

And although today's event was a fail, no fairy tale and a lot of rain (instead of lot of dance and music as I had understood), I say that Maihaugen is a must-visit-place when in Lillehammer. Despite weather. It IS a beautiful place. (But remember to have an umbrella with you. Just in case. Always. When in Norway on summer.)



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