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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Paljad mehed muuseumis? /Naked men at the museum?

foto: http://www.roros.no/
(English translation below)

Ma olen Rørosel ühe korra varem käinud. 18 aastat tagasi. Ma ei saa öelda, et ma midagi sellest külaskäigust mäletasin, kuid mul on siiani alles killuke Rørose käsitööd, mis mulle sealt tookord kingiti. Sinine viltune klaaspudel, mis praegu ehib kuldseks võõbatuna meie wc-riiulit. 
Loomulikult teadsin ma linna kohta üht teist, kuid need teadmised olid pigem netiavarustest, mitte tollest ammusest külaskäigust. Rorose linn kuulub 1980.aastast Unesco kultuuripärandite nimekirja, sealne kirik on Norra  üks kuulsamaid ja tuntumaid, linn ise on tuntud oma käsitöö ja kohaliku toidu poolest (Rørose või viib keele alla!). Linna kaevandusajalugu on 333 aastat vana. Esimesed vasesulatusahjud ehitati juba 1646.aastal. 

Foto: http://www.roros.no/

Kui me linna peale jalutama läksime, hakkas sadama laia valget lund, hakkas hämaraks minema, lumi krudises jalge all. Kõik majad olid nagu väikesed nukumajad. Ma tormasin esimese maja juurde ja tahtsin aknast sisse kiigata. Ja sain siis aru, et see ei ole ju muuseum, vaid kellegi kodu. Inimesed askeldasid oma nukumajatubades, olles ilmselt harjunud, et rumalad turistid neile läbi akna otsa vaatavad. Ma unustasin pidevalt ära, et tegu pole muuseumiga ja nii ma ühe järjekordse  akna juurde tormasingi. Mulle vaatas vastu paljas mees, kes oli just duši alt tulnud (strateegilisi kohti kattis tal vaid väike rätik). "Mis, paljas mees muuseumis?" hüüatasin ma ja punastasin siis, saades aru, et mees oli ju oma kodus. 
Me jalutasime edasi. Poed olid suletud, kuid kõikide poodide ees põlesid küünlad, tänavad olid ehitud kuuskede ja valguspallide ning vanikutega. Mulle tuli tõeline jõulumeeleolu peale. Kogu see linn tundus nagu interaktiivne muuseum. Lisaks nii romantiline ja õdus. 

Kolmandat aastat järjest on Rørose kirik TripAdvisori kasutajate poolt hääletatud üheks kümneks Must-See ehitiseks Norras. Täiesti arusaadavatel põhjustel. Kirik on ehitatud 1784 aastal ja tänu 50m kõrgusele tornile tundub nagu ulatuks see taevasse (võrreldes madalate nukumajadega ju nii ongi). 

Kui te olete toiduhuvilised, siis on Roros koht, mida külastada, sest just siin on kohalik toit eriti au sees. Kindlasti soovitan ma teil astuda sisse mõnda kohalikku kohvikusse, et saada osa sellest imelisest toidukultuurist, kus vanad traditsioonid kohtuvad uute maitsetega. Destination Roros pakub isegi "kohaliku toidu safarit" (LINK). 

Foto: http://www.roros.no/

Suure tõenäosusega ei teki teil allolevat pilti vaadates isegi küsimust, miks Roros on justkui unistuste sihtkoht jõulude veetmiseks, kuid kui teil on kahtlusi, kas seal ikka on piisavalt tegevusi, siis SIIT leiate tegevust kõigile. 
3-6.12 toimub näiteks ka iga-aastane jõuluturg, kuhu inimesed üle maailma kohale sõidavad. Jällegi arusaadavatel põhjustel. Niisiis, kui te olete planeerimas Norra külastust, siis võtke Roros ka kindlasti plaani. Ja kui te ei taha autoga seigelda nagu meie, siis siia saab kenasti ka nii bussi, rongi kui lennukiga. Mul ongi natuke kahju, et me mägedes seiklemise tõttu jäi meil linnaga tutvumiseks natuke liiga vähe aega, kuid see tähendab ilmselt vaid üht. Sinna on vaja tagasi minna!

Foto: http://www.roros.no/

I've been to Røros once before. 18 years ago. As an exchange student. I cannot say I remember much, but a little piece of Røros handicraft I still have - a  blue glassbottle from local Ceramics Shop, I have always loved it and it has moved with me from Norwy to Estonia, from Tartu to Tallinn. But  this glass bottle is almost everything that I remembered about the town.Of course I knew a bit more, but these are knowledges I have picked up from internet not from that visit many many years ago. The mining town was added to UNESCO's list of cultural heritage in 1980. The mining history is 333 years old, according to a legend a farmer stumbled on piece of copper ore and the first furnace buildings were completed in 1646.

You can see and feel the history everywhere. It's like the houses start to speak to you, telling you about the old times

When we went for a walk, it started snowing, it was quietly getting darker and the snow was crunching under our boots. All the houses looked like little dollhouses. I rushed to the first house and wanted to peek in through windows, when I realized that this is not a museum, but someone actually lives there. People in their dollhouse rooms didn't seem to mind, I guess they are used to tourists who are looking in all the time. I kept forgetting all the time that we are not walking in a museum and so I peeked in through yet another window. An almost naked man smiled at me. "What, a naked man in the museum?" I said surprisingly to my husband and blushed, when I realized (again!) that it was someone's house!

We continued walking. It was so cozy and romantic. The shops were closed but candles were lit in front of all the shop doors, the streets were decorated with little christmas trees and lights. I felt Christmas spirit sneaking in. I am not a Winter/Christmas person, but here I couldn't help thinking about ginger bread and gløgg.

The Røros church from 1784. has been voted as one of ten Must-See objects in Norway by users of TripAdvisor - three years in a row. If you take a photo in front of Hyttklokka (and the church in the background), you have captured the classic Røros motive. The clock was used to notify workers when work started and finished, and was probably used as an alarm as well.

You know how I have talked about missing good food here in Lillehammer and told you that the only food you get in Norway is kebab and frozen pizza. This is not the case in Røros. If you are a food lover Røros is the place to visit. This is one of the leading regions for locally produced food.Try the nationally acknowledged ecological thickened milk from Rørosmeieriet for breakfast and enjoy smoked mountain fish for lunch. Be spoilt by a five course dinner of French origin. Try a Norwegian sweet with your coffee. Celebrate the food, the culture, the nature.There are a number of restaurants and cafes who serve local food, and several hotels offer this as a part of their included breakfast buffet. 

The local butter was simply one of the best things I have tasted and the julebord from locally produced food (more in next post) tasted heavenly! I take back words about bad (Norwegian) food. 

I dont think I actually need to explain why R
øros is the ultimate destination for Christmas holiday, but if you still are in doubt, you will find more information about activities HERE.  For example the Christmas Market 3-6/12-2015. In the very heart of Røros Mining Town. Diverse traditions provide a pre-Christmas mood for young and old in Røros`colorful, charming surroundings. This is the Christmas spirit! 

If you are planning a trip to Norway, make sure to visit R
ros. I am a bit sad that thanks to the roadtrip over the mountains we  had too little time for exploring the town and visiting museums, shops, the church, but I guess this only means one thing. We have to go back!

PS: It is a perfect place for buying Christmas presents:) 


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