Minu katsetused

Monday, July 27, 2015

Eestimaa hetked

Mõnikord on mul ikka väga hea meel selle üle, et inimesed vananevad. Ei, mitte et ma pahatahtlik oleks, lihtsalt see annab ettekäände ühele tillukesele suguvõsale kokkutuleku korraldamiseks. Ja suguvõsa tuli kokku ilma liialdamata igast maailmaotsast. Austraaliast, Inglismaalt, Soomest, Rootsist, Norrast, Taanist. Mu onupoeg käis viimati Eestis viis aastat tagasi.  Teda  oli nii kihvt näha (ta on peaaegu sama lahe kui mina). Teisi muidugi ka. Mul on kihvt perekond. Selline kamp segaseid.
Meie Eestis käimisesse tuleb nüüd ilmselt üks pikem paus. Jõuluks koju? 

// Sometimes I am so glad that people get old. It gives a small family an excuse for a gathering. And you know the family literally came together from all over the world. Australia, UK, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark were represented. It's five years since I last saw my cousin. It was so cool to see him again (he's almost as cool as me) and his partner James. All the others as well of course. I have a cool family. A bunch of crazy people.
I don't know when we'll be home next time. Home for Christmas?

Igal aastal oleme me käinud Prangli saarel suvitamas. Eelmisel aastal pidasime me ju lausa Pranglile kolimise plaane. Kes oskas teada, et elu hoopis nii läheb. Sel aastal jõudsin ma vaid Leppneeme sadamasse. 

//Every summer we have taken a trip to Prangli island, last year we even had plans to move there. Who would have known that life has other plans for us. This year Leppneeme harbour was as close as I got to Prangli. If you have time in Estonia, I recommend to visit the place. Times stands still there... Under tag "prangli" you can see photos of our trips to the island. 

Heily lubas natukene süüa teha kui me külla läheme. Minu meelest oli laual kogu Eesti köögiklassika. 
//My best friend Heily promised to prepare a light lunch. "Light" is definately an understatement. All classics from the Estonian cuisine were on the table. And it tasted soooooo good!

Suvine piknik on minu meelest üks toredamaid asju. Sel aastal pole suveilma väga olnud ju, aga õnneks just see nädalavahetus oli üsnagi suvine. Selle suve kohta.
//Summer picnic is my favorite thing. The summer has not been sunniest this year, but fortunately this weekend felt almost like summer. I saw sun!

Ma armastan vanu ajakirju. Vanu asju üldse. 
//I love old magazines! Or actually all kind of old stuff.

Mul on kahtlemata kõige lahedam vanaema maailmas. Ärge isegi püüdke öelda, et teil on lahedam:)
//I have the greatest grandma. Don't even try to tell me that yours is greater;)

Kohvik O on Põltsamaal üks tõeliselt tore kohvik. Nüüd kui meil endal enam kohvikut ei ole, võin ma ju öelda, et see on mu lemmikkohvik. Ja hästi lapsesõbralik. Kui ma Idale pudelisse natuke piima palusin, tehti seda naeratusega. Mõnes kohas pööritatakse selle peale silmi. Raha selle eest mult ka ei küsitud. Ma unustasin kahjuks jootraha jätta. Palun väga vabandust! Marek juba pahandas minuga selle pärast.
// Kohvik O in Põltsamaa is a really nice café. Now that we don't have our own restaurant anymore, I can say that this place is my favorite. And it's so childfriendly. When I asked if I can have a little bit of milk to go for Ida, they helped me with a smile. And didn't charge for it. I am sorry I forgot the tip. I am really sorry. Marek already told me I have no manners. 

Ma olen ühelapseusku. Kui ma aga nägin, kuidas ma sain rahulikult istuda ja juttu ajada, sest lapsed mängisid omaette, sain ma aru küll, mida nad räägivad, et mitme lapsega on lihtsam. Aga muidu ma jään ikka oma usu juurde. Kuigi Melissa-suguse imelapse vastu poleks mul mitte midagi. Tal on kodus vist juba 16809 ujumise kuldmedalit.

//I have always said one child is enough. When I saw that it actually is true what they say about how it is easier with more kids, because they play with each other and you can sit and enjoy adult conversation, I understood the "concept of more children". But I still think one is enough. Although I wouldn't mind a daughter like Melissa. She's a wunderkind. And I am not exaggerating when I say she has 16809 gold medals in swimming.  

Ma ei ole üldjuhul loomaaedade ja tsirkuste suurim fänn. Mulle on alati see tundunud natuke veider, et keegi on puuri pandud ja me nimetame seda meelelahutuseks. Kuna meil aga ei õnnestunud eile õhtuks enam laevapileteid saada ja meile tekkis ootamatult üks lisaõhtu, otsustasin ma Idaga loomaaeda minna. Ma tahan, et ta ikka tunneks loomi. Ida õppiski selgeks kaks uut sõna. Ahv ja marabu. Ahvi tundis ta hiljem ka pildilt ära. Kah imelaps, eksju?
//I have never been the biggest fan of zoos and circuses. I think it is strange that we call it enterntainment to look at caged animals. But as we didn't get tickets to the ferry for yesterday and got an extra night in Tallinn, I decided to visit the zoo with Ida. I think it is important to teach her know the animals. She learned two new words yesterday. Monkey and marabou. She recognized monkey on the picture later. A wunderkind as well, right?

Väike fashionista valis ise oma riided. Kas hakkabki juba peale? Ta keeldus midagi muud peale Crocside jalga panemast.
//Little fashionista chose her own outfit.  Does it start so early already? She insisted on wearing Crocs. 

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